Filling the World with Love

There are moments when the magic carpet takes off forgetting you were riding it. Whoosh... You scramble to pick up the pieces. Not easy if you do not have the right support network.

In my own spiritual awakening, I wanted to connect with individuals who understood. Entrepreneurs can usually find guidance in a business community, but rarely does that community focus on the emotional and spiritual needs.

If someone said to me I was a co creator in the process and finding forgiveness with myself was the gift of moving forward. I would have been spared some of the personal journey I took.

Many people will argue you must do it on your own. I strongly disagree. Without support of family, friends, ex's in personal and business, only a sickly cat to rely on, the world became scary. My life has always started with a smile. So a cat and a smile my alignment began...

My 'Love Vision' is to create a network and club for my fellow friends: entrepreneurs and visionaries in momentary crisis.

A multi denominational club filled with stories, giving words of love and encouragement. Meditation, Motivation, Spiritual Healing, Mentors, Business Healers, Business Support, Internet Social Network, Web Library.
The physical location on the banks of the Ohio River.

What Is Your " Perfect Paradox "

Perfect can only be defined by a personal lifestyle of that individuals impression of life on this earth.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Journey to Love

As day's pass, I do not forget your handsome and beautiful qualities.

Maybe I am over being sad you're no longer in my life... Then a beautiful memory comes to light when I am writing.

Sadness is no longer the correct definition, I smile and laugh at the difficulties we both face.

A payment facing our past living? No, I do not believe in Karma. We come into an environment for the experience.

It's not as bad as we both believed, because we learned lessons, some good some... well, some unhappy.

We took part in the co creation of our own experiences. Should we blame ourselves over and over... No

It's not why we are here on this earth. Our past should never walk in front of us, it's a form of insanity.

Our insanity is a learned human condition. We were not born with the way we think things are supposed to be.

It does not excuse the behavior others have imposed on us or make it right.

Forgiveness comes to play a very important role. Forgiving the bad behavior individuals and ourselves must spring into action.

Clarity will come when you quickly realize how to manage your heart to forgive yourself and others. This I am told is the greatest form of love, " To Yourself "

It's been said, Hurting people Hurt. If you pause to think and patiently watch and observe you will find it's true.

Opening your mind and forgiving yourself is very important process to go through, yet very difficult.

I have come to understand, when my body hurts it is simply telling me to move on and forgive.

The actions you took or those imposed on you are your greatest blessings. You are at a higher conscience level of understanding.

You are know ready to move to a happier joyful and loving place.

Mixed with emotions, called unstable. I learned the understanding of why, it tells me what I do and don't want in my life. So emotions are good.

Who is a productive human if they dwell in past mistakes, We must face the road ahead and create our new path.

Love those who were mean. You took place in the co creation of the event, a great gift to give myself I was told...

When you walk your new path love life's blessings.

Blessed with nature and air we breathe. Our gift's from our creator. Buying and selling of our planet was man made.

Love the trees, love the beast, love the insects, love the mountains, love the ocean, love the forest, love the land, love our resources and take care of them.

As I wrote this I still continued my thoughts with a past love.

Why all the conflict of my past with you?

I considered myself a hypocrite. " Never Let Your Past Walk in Front of You"

Then I realize my past Love was Love.

And this is my journey to Love...

Forgive yourself , You learned all those things you do not want. Believe in Love and Joy. Live the life our creator intended.